A Remarkable Milestone
Hieu Van Le
Preface to “A Remarkable Milestone”
In 2005 when I was Deputy Chairman of the Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission, I wrote an article called “A Remarkable Milestone”. The article was written for a special publication by the Vietnamese Community in Australia – SA Chapter, reflecting on thirty years of Vietnamese settlement in Australia.
I would like to acknowledge South Australia’s culturally diverse communities for their continued commitment to supporting our diverse and harmonious society. I commend this article to you as a snapshot of the development of multiculturalism in South Australia, and indeed the nation.
The article appears below, exactly as it was published about fifteen years ago.
His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC
Governor of South Australia
February 2020
A Remarkable Milestone
Twenty eight years ago I arrived in Darwin Harbour together with 42 other boat people.We were some of the many thousands of Vietnamese refugees who came to Australia following the fall of Saigon in 1975.
My first sight of Australia was through the dawn light and an early morning mist across Darwin Harbour. We chugged clumsily into the harbour, and saw coming towards us a small boat with its out board motor showing all the speed and agility that our boat lacked. There were a couple of blokes in it, just dressed in singlets and shorts, fishing rods sticking in the air. As they came past us they waved and one of them called out ‘G’daymate… Welcome to Australia,’ and then just sped on past to get on with the fishing they had set out to do. Before we had even made land, someone had wished us a good day, greeted us as a mate and welcomed us with all the naturalease of that morning mist rising off the water.
There is a paradox that you only really know, appreciate and see your own culture when it can baskin the light of another. For me the experience of the last fourty years has been that of a sharing of cultures that has been like that sunlight rising throug hamorning mist in Darwin Harbour.
Here, I have found new depth in the culture from where we, the Vietnamese community have sprung. I am more aware of my own multicultural roots – my education was influenced by French, American, Confucianism and Catholicism, Buddhism and Taoism and all within a crucible that was thoroughly Vietnamese. That in turn is a culture that for nearly 5,000 years has preserved and shaped its identity not by being inward looking and sufficient into it self, but by gleaning richness from the other cultures that were visited up on it.
When we arrived in Australia we were not yet aware that Australia too was a Country that had benefited from many diverse traditions.
Australia’s history has been a history of migration and of migrants making good and adding to the rich diversity of the nation.
Until European settlement in the eighteenth century the country we now call Australia had been home to hundreds of indigenous nations with different languages and cultures. Following white settlement most Australians generally considered themselves British even though many of the nineteenth century settlers came from the four corners of the earth. With federation in 1901 the White Australia Policy was formally adopted.
Following the Second World War many thousands of migrants came to Australia from Europe. They were encouraged to assimilate – to leave behind their languages, values and traditions and to become good Aussies.
The assimilation policy never worked because migrants did not give up their languages, values and traditions. On the contrary, they established their own clubs, associations, ethnic schools and churches.
However, it was not until the early 1970’s, that the policy of multiculturalism started to gain a foot hold and people were realising that cultural diversity was a reality and some were cautiously acknowledging that it was of benefit to all.
It was at this time that Australia had for the first time been involved in a conflict without mother England – the Vietnam War. The shift in the migration policy and the outcome of theVietnam War opened the door for the beginning of Vietnamese migration to Australia.
Hieu Van Le
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